Having allergies— especially during this time of year— is not rare by any means. However, if you have been experiencing extreme itchiness, inflammation, redness, bumps, or any other skin conditions, then you may be suffering from a skin allergy. Here at Stockton Dermatology, Dr. Toni Stockton uses a procedure called patch testing to help diagnose patients with certain skin allergies.
What Is Patch Testing?
Typically, Dr. Toni Stockton recommends that patients with dermatitis get patch testing done to help determine what is causing or aggravating the skin. During this procedure, a patch that has been exposed to a particular substance will be placed on the skin to help determine what, if anything, you are allergic to.
How Is Patch Testing Done?
During the patch testing procedure, as many as 20-30 extracts from different substances will be placed on a single patch. Then, this patch is placed directly on your skin— typically your back. You will then be instructed to leave the patch on for 48 hours to see if any of these symptoms trigger your dermatitis. Typically, causative substances are things like resins, medications, latex, preservatives, hair dyes, detergents, and fragrances.
What Happens After You Get Your Results?
After you have finished the 48 hours of patch testing, you will come back into our office, and we will go over your results— which are typically immediately available. From there, we can either determine if you want to undergo any allergy treatments or if you simply want to avoid any contact with these substances. For example, if we determine you are allergic to silver, then you can try to avoid wearing silver jewelry rather than undergoing treatment for a silver allergy.
If you suffer from dermatitis, Dr. Toni Stockton may encourage you to undergo patch testing. Ready to learn more about patch testing and whether or not it’s the right option for you? Schedule your consultation at our Phoenix office today: (480) 610-6366.