When it comes to looking flawless, there is no limit to how many days per year you want to look this way. Unfortunately, when it comes to taking care of your skin, nothing can make you look quite the opposite of flawless as having a blemish like a scrape, acne, or some sort of burn. If you have a big occasion coming up in which you need your skin to look its best or if you simply just want to look your best everyday, try the following tips in tricks on how you can properly cover up your blemished skin.
If you are dealing with acne and you have already started to take proper care of it by using a product such as hyaluronic acid, then it will probably start to dry up. Although it’s good for your skin when your acne starts to dry up, it can be impossible to cover up dry skin without it looking unkempt. As the first step in covering up your dry blemish, apply a little bit of moisturizer over the top of the dry skin in order to help moisturize it— let it sit on your skin for a few minutes in order for it to become fully absorbed.
The best makeup tool that you can use to cover up any sort of blemish is a concealer. Whether you choose a concealer in the form of a wand, stick, or liquid gel, make sure that you choose a color that is slightly lighter than your natural skin tone— this will help to ensure that you can blend the concealer in better with your skin without it looking completely obvious. When applying concealer, take a very tiny amount and gently dab it on the blemish— do not rub it. Continue to dab at it until you start to notice that your blemish is beginning to become concealed.
After you have applied the concealer to your skin in order to cover your blemish, take a small amount of bronzer and brush it across your entire face, including your newly concealed blemish— by applying bronzer, you can help to get a more even and naturally looking skin tone across your entire face.
If you have a blemish on your face, it can start to feel like the end of the world. However, by following the tips above, you can help to cover up your skin until it has properly healed. To learn more about other skincare techniques, contact Dr. Barry Goldman’s office today!