Doubling Down on Double Chins: FAQ’s About Kybella

Kybella Phoenix, AZ | FAQ'sLooking in the mirror and being happy with your appearance is one thing but seeing a picture of yourself that someone posts online is entirely different. Many people— of all ages— have double chins but don’t even realize that they have one until “BAM!” their friend posts a pic of them with a double chin on Facebook.

If you have a double chin, the good news is that you are certainly not alone. In fact, according to studies, 67% of people are bothered by their double chins— which means that you are no exception. Luckily, here at Stockton Dermatology, Dr. Toni Stockton offers patients a fast, easy, and effective way to get rid of their double chin and without having to go under the knife.

FAQ: What Is Kybella?

Kybella is an injection that is formulated from a naturally occurring substance in the body called deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid’s natural role is to break down and absorb dietary fat. When it is injected under the chin; deoxycholic acid works to absorb the fat under the chin and leave you with a more defined jawline.

FAQ: Does It Work?

Yes, Kybella does work! We have seen patients with a lack of confidence walk into our office and then come back in later feeling and looking like a whole new person!

FAQ: Is It Painful?

Depending on the patient, some patients do say that Kybella can be a little uncomfortable. However, Dr. Toni Stockton and her staff will ensure that you feel as comfortable as possible during the injections. Many patients suffer from some slight bruising and swelling after treatment, but that should subside in just a couple of days.

FAQ: How Long Does It Last?

The best part about Kybella is that it’s permanent. Yes, you heard us right: it’s permanent. As long as you don’t put on a lot of excess weight, your Kybella results should last, well, forever.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of Kybella, schedule a consultation at our Phoenix office today!

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