Micro-Needling Therapy Phoenix, AZ

What is Micro-Needling Therapy?

With the desire to stay young and looking great, patients in Phoenix, AZ come in everyday asking for the best solution to solving fine lines and wrinkles.  Stockton Dermatology highly recommends micro-needling therapy as one of the effective treatments to improving the skin.  Micro-needling is a form of Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) and is considered to be a non-ablative treatment for the skin.  This means that the deep parts of the skin are being treated without the need to remove the top layer which is often done in other cosmetic skin treatments.

What Can Microneedling Treat?

Micro-needling works for skin conditions such as fine lines and wrinkles, scarring caused by acne or photo damage, to treat uneven skin tone and other skin texture concerns.

Micro Needling Therapy

How Does Microneedling Work?

Micro-needling therapy creates a controlled injury under the skin surface to induce the body's natural response and trigger it to form new layers of tissue packed with elastin and collagen fibers and new capillaries. This is to ensure improved blood circulation and supply in the area being treated.  Aside from CIT, the micro needles create a channel where topical gels and creams are allowed to be absorbed effectively through the skin's top layer.

Micro-needling therapy improves the thickness of both the dermis and the epidermis and results in the marked improvement of the skin's texture and smoothing of lines and wrinkles.  The treatment has proven very effective in treating hyper-pigmentation and hypo-pigmentation and is also found to be a good treatment option for disfiguring scars caused by acne.

What is a Micro-Needling procedure like?

Micro-needling therapy is not limited for use only for facial skin, it can also be used to treat skin conditions on other parts of the body like the neck, arms, and legs.

The procedure starts by applying a local anesthetic to the area being treated. A small hand-held device with tiny needles will be applied to the affected area. Each skin part has to be needled about 15-20 times for maximum effect. As the device is applied along the skin, the needles penetrate the surface of the skin to up to 2mm that produces thousands of puncture marks or micro-needle channels. The creation of an even pattern of petechiae is a good indication that the procedure was done properly.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

A micro-needling procedure done at Stockton Dermatology in Phoenix, AZ would last for approximately 20-30 minutes depending on the area being treated, but plan on 60 minutes total due to numbing.

Recovery From Microneedling Treatment

Dr. Stockton may provide post-treatment care for the affected area and it is important to strictly follow them to make sure that there are no post-treatment complications. It is best to use tepid water in cleansing the treated area for the first 48 hours and patients should always make sure that the hands are disinfected before touching the area to avoid infection. If micro-needling therapy is done on the face, your doctor may advise you to avoid wearing any make-up for the first 12 hours after treatment.

Schedule Your Consultation

Interested in micro-needling? Call our Phoenix, AZ office at 480.610.6366 to make an appointment!

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