A Few Questions Answered About Eczema

Skin Disorders Treatment Phoenix AZ | EczemaYou may like your martinis dry and maybe even enjoy a dry joke now and then, but the last thing you want is to have dry, itchy, red, eczema covered skin. As a condition that primarily affects infants, eczema is a skin condition that’s common amongst adults as well. If you or a family member has eczema, we are here as your source to answer all of your eczemas filled questions. To start out, let’s take a look at a few common questions about this skin condition.

Is There a Cure for Eczema?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for eczema. However, there are a variety of treatments— both over the counter and prescription— that Dr. Toni Stockton may recommend treating your eczema. During your initial consultation with Dr. Toni Stockton, she will be able to diagnose you and help find a treatment option that is right for you.

Is Eczema Worse In the Winter?

If you have noticed that your eczema flares up or gets worse in the winter, you aren’t hallucinating. Due to things like space heaters and the cold, dry air outside, it can dry your skin out even more than normal which can exacerbate your eczema.

Can Eczema Turn Into Psoriasis?

Although eczema and psoriasis are two skin conditions that have a few similarities, they will not turn into another. If you have eczema, it doesn’t mean you will get psoriasis. In fact, there isn’t any medical evidence that proves that one will turn into the other.

Is Eczema Caused By Stress?

In some instances, patients may experience more eczema flare-ups if they are under a lot of stress. However, there is no exact known cause for eczema. Many patients experience eczema flare-ups due to things like weather changes, viruses, detergents, soaps, lotions, perfumes, or other chemicals that are added to the skin.

If you think you or your loved one has this condition, schedule an appointment with Dr. Toni Stockton today and call our Phoenix office at (480) 610-6366.

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