Teenage Acne: 3 Options to Combat It

Being a teenager is hard: not only are there a surge of hormones that you experience but you’re at an age where you’re not a child but not quite an adult yet either. If your teenager is suffer from teenage acne, it’s likely due to a rush of hormones. However, it’s important to nip their acne as soon as possible in order to prevent permanent scarring or lower their self esteem. From oral medications to spa treatments, this article will discuss some of the options that can be used to treat acne.

Oral Medications
acneIn order for a teenager to be considered for any type of oral medication, they will need to be seen by an expert dermatologist like Dr. Stockton. During their visit, the dermatologist will look at the acne and determine if it is something that is caused by an infection, bacteria, or hormones. Once the cause is determined, the dermatologist may recommend taking an oral medication in order to help prevent the spread of further acne.

Topical Medications
Just as with oral medications, topical medications will need to be prescribed to patients by a licensed dermatologist. Topical creams and gels are typically prescribed to teenagers in addition to an oral medication to help get rid of the acne as soon as possible. The only real problem that many teenagers face with topical medications is sensitivity to things like exposure to sunlight— which means that they will have to cover up at their next trip to the beach or pool with friends. Reiterate to your teenager that in order for these types of medications to work, they have to be used on a consistent basis— otherwise, they won’t be able to fight off any bacteria or infections.

Spa Treatments
Depending on how severe your teenager’s acne is and what types of medications they are on, Dr. Stockton may recommend that your child receive something like a chemical peel in order to help get rid of the acne and any apparent scarring. During a chemical peel, a small amount of chemicals will be placed across the skin, targeting the dermis. After about 5-10 minutes, the chemicals will be wiped away and your teenager will go home. During the next week, your teenagers skin will slowly slough off and new skin will resurface— giving your child a smoother and healthier looking complexion.

To learn more about how to treat teenage acne or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Stockton today!

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