Taking good care of your skin is one of the most important things you can do for your body— other than not smoking and drinking tons of water of course. And although washing your face both morning and night and wearing sunscreen every day are both great options, it’s also important to exfoliate your skin as well. From using a simple face scrub to pruchasing a Clarisonic, there are many different ways to exfoliate your skin, but are they worth it? Read on to learn more.
Face Scrub
Face scrubs are an affordable and fairly effective way to rid your skin of impruties and dryness. Available for oily, dry, and normal skin types, there is a face scrub for virtually everyone out there. However, what is the best way to use a face scrub? Because you don’t want to strip your skin of its natural oils that help to regulate it, you should only be using a face scrub about twice a week.
A Clarisonic is a pulsating brush designed by dermatologists to scrub your skin at a more micro level. Proven to help get your skin cleaner than just washing it, Clarisonics are also great at exfoliating area like your nose and T-zone. However, they will cost you over a hundred dollars and so they are not for those who are on a budget. When used either once or twice a day, you will for sure notice a smoother and clearer looking complexion.
Scrub Brush
Available at most drugstores and super centers everywhere, small handheld scrub brushes are an economical and fairly effective way to get your skin extra clean and feel exfoliated. You can use either your regular daily cleanser or your face scrub with this. When using a scrub brush, try to focus primarily on your nose, chin, and forehead— the areas that seem to attract the most dirt and oil.
When it comes down to it, there is no one exfoliating method that will get your skin feeling smoother. And depending on your budget, there are different options available to you.
To learn more about skin exfoliation, contact our office today!