How to get rid of spider veins

Spider VeinsWhile spider veins are usually harmless, many people seek treatment to get rid of the unsightly web of tiny veins that can appear on the face or legs. If you have spider veins and have thought about ways to get rid of them, read on to learn more about laser vein reduction and whether it would be right for you.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are tiny blue, purple or red superficial veins that appear web-like or in thin branches just under the skin. They’re usually painless, but some patients do experience some discomfort with them.


Spider veins appear when the valves inside the veins stop working properly. Spider veins on the face often appear when tiny blood vessels burst from increased pressure or sun damage.

Laser treatment

There are a variety of treatments that can remove spider veins or reduce their appearance. One safe and effective treatment is called laser vein reduction. This consists of a 1064 YAG Laser that targets the problem veins without heating or damaging surrounding tissue.

During treatment, the hemoglobin in the vascular lesion absorbs the laser light and rapidly increases in temperature. This alters the cells of the skin or vessel. While there can be some pain from the heat of the laser, cooling will help reduce the pain.

One treatment lasts for 15-20 minutes, and you may need up to five treatments to remove spider veins in the legs.

Preparing for treatment

Before each treatment, patients should avoid blood thinners, sun exposure and tanning beds. During your consultation, you will discuss your medical concerns and medication list so that you can make sure you are a good candidate for this treatment.


Even though you may feel slight pain during treatment from the heat of the laser, it will subside after treatment. You can return to your regular activities after your appointment.

If you have spider veins, you don’t have to live with them. To learn whether you are a good candidate for laser vein reduction, call (480) 610-6366 for a consultation.

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