Watch Out for These Eczema Triggers!

ill allergic rash eczema skin of patients hand | Eczema Triggers

If you have eczema, you know all about the itchy, irritated skin and how painful, annoying, and embarrassing it can be. But did you know that there are some things that can trigger an eczema outbreak, and these eczema triggers may be all around you? Read on for some information about eczema and some of the hidden triggers.

What eczema triggers exist?

It is unknown why some people have eczema and others don’t. It may be genetic or environmental or a combination of the two. People who have it may also have other issues such as asthma or hay fever. Eczema results in scaly, cracked skin, reddish or brown patches, and/or small bumps that leak fluid.

Some who suffer with eczema may have discovered that they have an outbreak when they are stressed out or after using a particular brand of soap or detergent. Here are some other possible triggers that might surprise you:

• Hard water, which is thought to damage the skin, leading to an eczema outbreak.

• Dust mites, which leave droppings, which have been shown to trigger eczema. They live in furniture, bedding, and carpeting.

• Mold. Mold can grow just about anywhere in your home and can be difficult to spot. Certain kinds of mold can trigger not only eczema but also allergies and asthma.

• Bedding made from synthetic materials, which seems to attract dust mites and can also keep you too hot at night – another eczema trigger. Try 100% cotton sheets instead.

What can you do about eczema?

Figuring out what triggers your eczema can help, but when it comes to finding relief, it’s not always as easy as that. You can make sure to take care of your skin: avoiding harsh soaps, keeping your skin moisturized, and taking showers with warm (but not hot) water can help. Your doctor may advise you to use an antihistamine, a corticosteroid, or hydrocortisone.

Excimer 308, available at Stockton Dermatology, is another option. It uses ultraviolet light to treat eczema and other skin disorders, in a quick and painless procedure. For help dealing with your eczema, call Stockton Dermatology in Phoenix, AZ. Call (480) 610-6366 for a consultation today!

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